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Virtual Data Room Providers Comparison

In the current age of technology, business processes and transactions are usually dependent on secure document exchange. Businesses involved in transactions that are sensitive such as due diligence and M&A...

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How to Use Digital Data Rooms

A virtual data room (VDR) is an encrypted file-sharing platform that allows authorized users to access confidential documents. VDRs simplify legal processes and allow companies to share sensitive information more...

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The Importance of Digital Security

We live in a world of digital and your personal data whether you are aware of it or not is stored on devices such as computers, smartphones and tablets. Therefore,...

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Board of Directors Blog Posts

Blog posts posted by the Board of Directors A board of directors (often abbreviated as "board") is an executive committee that oversees the management of a company or other business entity....

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Online Meetings and Software

Online Meetings and Software Online Meetings and Software are programs designed to make it easier to communicate with people who live in different locations or who work from different locations. They...

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Board Room Online Solutions

A boardroom online solution is a portal developed to digitize vast portions of the governance cycle. It allows staff members of the administrative department to manage their information, check director...

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Board Management Solution for Nonprofits

Board management solution is an all-encompassing platform which streamlines meeting preparation, document storage, and real-time collaboration, making sure boards are well-prepared to meet and take productive decisions. It saves admin...

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How to Prepare for Board of Directors Meetings

When a company takes on investors and then becomes incorporated, the company no longer works exclusively for its founders. The company reports to an executive board, whose task is to...

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Salient WordPress Theme Review

The theme is an elegant solution for creatives to present their work. It offers users an elegant and beautiful front-end interface while providing the comfort of familiar back-end controls. It's an...